Posts in Blog
Exploring Secure Multi-Party Computation for Clinical Cohort Management: A Feasibility Study

During my stay at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI), I had the opportunity to learn from the knowledgeable team and explore their suggestions. I had the chance to understand much more concerning the EBI and especially the European Genome-Phenome Archive (EGA). I will also be able to pursue a search on SMPC now that I had the chance to explore at the EBI. The next step would be to try working on a gene and search for genome-wide possibilities.

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CINECA launches a training resource to help researchers learn about accessing and sharing sensitive human data across the world

To help researchers learn about finding, accessing and analysing sensitive human data in a federated fashion, the CINECA project has developed a learning pathway. In this blog, we describe why federated data analysis is important, what is included in the learning pathway and how it can be accessed.

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A CINECA deliverable describes the ELIXIR Passport Broker

In the Passport is the glue between the researcher, data and computing blog post I introduced GA4GH Passports as an enabler of “the bring compute to data” paradigm. CINECA WP2 also contributed to GA4GH Passport standard for Digital identity and access permissions publication in Cell Genomics in autumn 2021.

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CINECA Poster - GA4GH 9th Plenary

In collaboration with other GA4GH-associated projects, CINECA is developing infrastructure which will permit effective use of widely-dispersed data increasing the size and quality of datasets available for disease research. In alignment with community standards, using standardised interfaces, data analysis will be federated and migrated to the data, respecting data access restrictions.
Solutions CINECA is adopting from the Discovery Work Stream include the Data Connect and Beacon v2 API, while from the DURI and Data Security Work Streams the GA4GH Passports, AAI and DUO are being utilised.

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Joint Variant genotyping use case

Recently WP4 has delivered a simple demonstrator pipeline to perform a federated joint variant genotyping analysis. The goal of this use case is to demonstrate how a simple metric (in this case, allele frequency) can be computed in a federated manner, without requiring ever collecting the individual level data in a central location.

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