CINECA Virtual Platform

Data Access

Human genetic data can contain potentially identifiable information, and is therefore subject to participant consent agreements that require the data to be secured and only made available to authorised persons.

Authentication and authorisation infrastructure (AAI) provides a set of services for user identification, authentication, authorisation and data access control. Therefore, the AAI needs to first authenticate the user to the required level of assurance and then determine if the user is permitted to access the service or data.

CINECA has worked on developing the necessary infrastructure to authenticate researchers and manage their access rights to sensitive data by contributing to the Passports and AAI GA4GH (Global Alliance for Genomics and Health) standards and their promotion and implementation in ELIXIR AAI, LifeScience AAI and EGA.

  • CINECA has been involved in the development of GA4GH Passports and AAI specifications, used to to standardize the process for requesting and accessing data across different jurisdictions.


  • CINECA has supported the transition from ELIXIR AAI, a system that makes it easier for users to access a range of life science resources and services by providing common access through a single login, to Lifescience AAI, which integrates with services provided by 12 other life science research infrastructures.


  • A proof-of-concept cross-authentication and authorization system between different infrastructures was developed in the CINECA project between ELIXIR (Europe) and Canada (CanDIG).


    • More detailed information available HERE

  • After completing the implementation of a cross-authentication and authorization infrastructure between CanDIG (Canada) and ELIXIR (Europe), CINECA worked on integrating more cohort infrastructures resulting in a wider set of use cases and wider cooperation possibilities.


    • More detailed information available HERE