Query Expansion - Vertical Expansion

The video is aimed at presenting what is the Vertical Expansion, a QE service that retrieves hypernyms and hyponyms aka the parents and the children of a concept in a specific ontology.

Series: Query Expansion services - tutorial
Scientific topics:
Query Expansion
- Expansion API: http://goldorak.hesge.ch:8890/catalogue_explorer/VerticalExpansionOls/?
- ontology: string using lowercase characters, only the OLS related ontology names are accepted
- id: string
- relatives: {"parents", "children"}
- level: positive integer
Example: http://goldorak.hesge.ch:8890/catalogue_explorer/VerticalExpansionOls/?id=HANCESTRO_0009&ontology=hancestro&relatives=children&level=2fibrilation
Keywords: Query, Beacon, Search, Ontology, OLS
Resource type: Video
Difficulty level: Beginner
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0
Authors: Luc Mottin (HES)